25 août 2007

Tanger, Marocco

Hi there,

I'm not going to write a book about this last trip for a couple of reasons : firstly, I must go to the airport in half an hour, and secondly because there isn't much to say.
This was my first flight to Marocco. Tanger, a city near the water (I think...). We flew in an Airbus A320 with only 45 passengers going there, but full on the way back (174 passengers). Taking off from Paris Orly was a pain : a lot of rain and a very bad weather, but landing in Tanger was even worse : beatiful clear blue sky, 29°C (84°F) but 60mph winds !!! We landed with a 30 minute delay because the winds were too strong. I almost threw up. I was kinda sick ! It was awful ! I thought it would never end !!! Luckely we made it... alive, and weere able to leave Tanger an hour later because the winds had weakened.

I'm about to leave to go to Rabat, another city in Marocco, and then I'm going to have a crazy week as of Monday. Here's my schedule :
Monday : Bejaia (Algeria)
Tuesday : Alger (Algeria)
Wednesday : Bejaia (Algeria)
Thursday : Alger (Algeria)
Friday : Oran (Algeria)
And then I'm done with my internship...
Will write more tomorrow (Sunday).

Byebye now ;-)

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